My greatest joy is seeing my students thrive, grow and ascend into the best versions of themselves.
My primary goal as a mentor/teacher is to assist my students in accessing their own amazing unique gifts and in using all the resources that are readily available to all of us once we develop our channel to the Higher Realms.
Information, tools and practices will be provided for personal healing and spiritual discovery as we work together to develop self-mastery and tap into the magic and wonder that surrounds all of us if only we pay attention!
Transcendent Heart Mentoring Program
The Transcendent Heart Mentoring Program is a semi-structured series of 2-hour, one-on-one, or small group training sessions held at my studio in Wrentham, MA. It is an ongoing program, but the student may also choose to create a set number of sessions.
Sessions are spaced every 2, 3, or 4 weeks with "homework" in between in order to work on applying and practicing what you have learned during each session.
The cost per session is $70/individual, $60/two people, $50/larger group.
Topics we will cover will include:
On Being a Server of the Light and The New Heart Consciousness
Spiritual & Energetic Practices for Optimum Energy & Health
Opening/Developing your Intuitive Gifts
Embracing Meditation and Quiet Mind
Honing Our Channel of Divine Connection
Third Eye and Clairaudient Activations
Angel and Oracle Readings for Yourself and Others
Channeling through Writing
Working with the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, and the Ascension Star Masters
Pendulum Practices
Table Tipping for Spiritual Development
Introduction to Crystal Healing
Lemurian Healing with Crystals
Intuitive Crystal Gridding
Understanding and Utilizing Tools for the Empath
Psychometry and Remote Viewing
Akashic Record Readings
Physical Mediumship Basics
Determining your Soul’s Purpose, Role, Ray
Identifying Your Primary Life Lessons and How to Heal and/or Master Them
Embracing Radical Trust
Learning Compassionate Detachment from Outcome
Building Your Spiritual Practice
These are just a sampling of topics to be considered. You, as the student, have the opportunity to formulate and "tweak" your “Plan of Action” with me; the program is tailored in the best way to support you and your goals.
It is a highly interactive journey, from beginning to end, and an incredibly fun and rewarding experience!